
Pre-Season Training & Competition Event for 18's And Under!

Sun, 30 Jul 2017
from 8:00am to 7:00pm

by (unknown)
Posted: about 7 years ago
Updated: almost 1 year ago by Gary Apsley
Visible to: public

Time zone: Lisbon
Reminder: None
Ends: 07:00pm (duration is about 11 hours)


With around 100 players the response has been far greater than we thought possible. Even so it has presented us with something of a problem. We’re going to split in to three groups and nine teams with goalies playing across all nine teams and split across the three groups.

We have no experience of working with so many players at this age group and with the spread of ability it might need some tweaking on the day so bare with us.

There will be a training schedule for the three groups as follows:

09:00 – 09:55 Group 1
10:10 – 11:05 Group 2
11:20 – 12:25 Group 3

The Tournament will start around 12:40 with 12 minute games. Teams will consist of 10 players, 2 lines. We will be playing on the buzzer with modified tournament rules with no body-checking (it’s pre-season and we are assuming players will need time to get their game together so hitting is not permitted).

Teams will play a series of league games and we hope to get to a final for the Stanley Cup…. ? Remember, we are playing for the fun of playing!

Schedule of games will be published in the morning.

GROUP 1 – Bruins, Capitals & Canucks

GROUP 2 – Flames, Flyers, Kings

GROUP 3 – Leafs, Penguins, Rangers

Check the Documents Page to see what team has drafted you!


Apologies folks but there’s a few who have paid but not completed the RSVP questions, and there’s a few who completed the RSVP but did not pay! Dohhhh – why is this so difficult?

“Deep Breath and count to 10” LOL – OK, so I’m revisiting this at 5pm today so you have until 5pm to get your answers saved on the Event and get your payment made via the Store. BUT 5pm is THE DEADLINE!

SO far we have 13 NM’s 37 Def & 45 Fwds. We could do with another 10 forwards to make it easier although it looks like D are going to be playing as forwards for some of the time. No harm there!

I’ve devised a nice ‘handicapping’ system where players are allocated a grade from 1-20 based on their age and experience, should prove interesting given the spread we have across the group.

It looks like we’ll have up to 10 teams with goalies being used as ‘wildcards’ rotating across the teams so goalies may not get to play for the same team more than once, again this should make things interesting.

I’ll be working on the Draft and the programme today and aim to publish something later this afternoon. Check-back on this event after 8pm tonight to get details of the Draft and schedule.




Coaches Confirmed for the Event on Sunday are:

Ian Pound – Lead Coach – England U19 Assistant Coach
Sean Easton – Lead Coach – GB U18 Assistant Coach
Sean Alderson – Asst Coach – England U14 Assistant Coach
Darrin Laishley – Asst Coach – England Coach
Mike Clancy – Asst Coach – Midlands Conference U17 Head Coach
Paul Woodhouse – Technical Director – England Technical Coach
PLUS – Support from North & Midlands Conference Coaches

LAST CALL FOR PAYMENT – We have 84 names on the list but only 70 payments received. All who have not paid, can you please do so today via the STORE. I have limited time tomorrow to form the draft process and so the cut-off for teams and players will be 6pm this evening. This event is almost a sell-out!


Folks, just a couple of issues please. Firstly, you need to answer the RSVP questions, if you can not see your answers on the event then you have not “SAVED” your responses. You might find it easier to enter the data via the website version of the event using your PC/Laptop? Without this information I can not allocate your player to a team. The ENTP members – you guys should know this already. Those who’s info is missing have had their RSVPO marked “MAYBE” so you need to revisit this asap.

Second – we have created a Payment Item in the STORE page above and you are now invited to make your payment to confirm your place. Visit page here: https://eihajlmc.teamapp.com/store/items/23946

We still have enough space for a couple of additional teams so if you have not responded yet, what are you waiting for? So far we’ve got responses from a wide range of player experience and so there should be a great Development opportunity for developing players as well as giving the top-end guys a pre-season work-out. This should be interesting for sure.



With the recent announcement from the JLMC of the introduction of the new Stage 3 Development Initiative, due to a last minute cancellation at ice Sheffield, Jacquie Pye is to host the first Stage 3 Development event in Sheffield next Sunday. Basic details are:

STARTS: 08:00
ENDS: 19:00
WHO: EIHA REGISTERED PLAYERS BORN 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000 and 1999
COST: £50 PER Player to include, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks and Drinks.

The event will be delivered in two parts. The first part (morning) session will involve testing, off-ice pre-season conditioning instruction and on ice skill sessions. Over lunch the players will be “drafted” in to teams of mixed abilities but with the aim of producing equal strength teams. These teams will then play in an All-Star Draft Challenge Tournament which is hoped will be both challenging and rewarding as players play for the fun of playing alongside players who will be their team mates for the day. This is just what happens in our Stage 1 All-Star tournaments where we leave Club rivalries in the car park and players just play hockey!

We hope to have up to 60 players and 6 net minders to form 6 teams of 2 lines + goalie. The morning session will be split in to two groups.

The draft event schedule looks like this

08:00 Arrival and breakfast
09:00 Group 1 ice, Group 2 off-ice
10:30 Group 2 ice, Group 1 off-ice
12:15 Lunch & Players Draft
12:45 Tournament Draw
13:00 Tournament games 5-on-5, 15 minute games
16:00 2nd Draft
19:00 End

We will be providing 3 meals to all players, breakfast, lunch and dinner. There will be snacks and drinks provided too which will be covered by your participation fee.

We are awaiting confirmation of the Coaching team but you should expect Coaches from U18, U20 and NIHL leagues to be on hand along with the off-ice staff.

This is the first event of this type being hosted by the JLMC and we may need to change the schedule or groupings subject to the number of participants. We hope there will be an appetite for this kind of event and although we appreciate the late notice of this invitation we hope that we will be able to encourage as many of our young people to get involved to make this event a success.

Players who wish to be involved use the RSVP button below and please answer the questions so that we know a bit about you so that our programme can be tailored to suit those attending.

We will announce payment details on Wednesday.


Ice Sheffield


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