Vacancy: Junior section regional leads

25 Aug 2023 by Danny Perchard - EIHA Juniors Events Manager

The EIHA are looking to appoint up to four junior regional leads to support the effective governance of the EIHA junior section.

Regional leads will help to support clubs within their designated area and work closely with the junior section general manager, director and EIHA operational team.

Please note that this is a voluntary role – reasonable expenses are reimbursed in line with the EIHA’s expense policy.

The full role description can be viewed here –

How to apply
Please complete the volunteer application form:

The closing date for applications is 5 September 2023.

We also kindly request that you submit our Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form:

This information is anonymous.

Valuing diversity
We, at the English Ice Hockey Association (EIHA), are committed to providing an environment which seeks to encourage an open and diverse community. This is reflected in our values and behaviours where we respect the rights and dignity of all people whatever their background. We believe that people from different backgrounds can bring fresh ideas, thinking and approaches which make the way work is undertaken more effective and efficient.

We therefore believe that unlawful discrimination, intimidation, or harassment of anyone connected with the EIHA, specifically related to their race, religion or belief, age, gender reassignment, sex, sexual orientation, disability, marital or partnership status or maternity and pregnancy cannot be tolerated. In addition, we strive to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between all people within the EIHA. As an organisation, we will provide an environment where people can address and debate differences and constantly reflect on practices.

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