Thrilling Ice Hockey Jamboree: Pucks, Passion, and Power Plays Take Centre Ice!

18 Aug 2023 by Danny Perchard - EIHA Juniors Events Manager

The most recent EIHA jamboree took centre stage at the renowned Ice Planet on Mallard Road in Peterborough, proudly serving as the home of the Peterborough Phantoms. This classic tradition of Sunday night hockey came alive on August 13th, captivating all in attendance.

The ambiance was nothing short of electric. The palpable excitement exuded by the young children filled the very air, painting genuine smiles on every face present. As parents wholeheartedly assisted their little ones with skates and helmets, all while offering a hearty dose of advice and encouragement, the atmosphere transformed into a heartwarming haven of enthusiasm, seamlessly conquering the chill of the ice rink.

As I sat observing this sea of youthful potential, one cannot help but ponder among these ice-bound kids today, perhaps there stands a future Liam Kirk, the next star on ice. The pride etched onto every parent’s face is a universal expression, impossible to conceal. It’s only been a single season since my own son embarked on his hockey journey. Within this brief span, I’ve come to realize that many parents involved in these early-stage ice hockey teams also take on the roles of coaches and team managers. The heart of ice hockey beats with the passion of volunteers rather than the deep pockets of financial giants that often bolster major UK sports.

As the jamboree unfolds, the competitive spirits of the children awaken at the sound of the buzzer. Seated in the stands, I join the chorus of cheers for my son’s team: The Sharks. Unity pervades the scene as each child dons a jersey that instantly weaves them into the fabric of a team. In Peterborough, five teams grace the ice, drawing inspiration from the NHL teams across the Atlantic: Bruins, Rangers, Kings, Oilers, and Sharks.

As the jamboree progresses from the late afternoon into the early evening, the crowd’s excitement intensifies. The children gradually shed their inhibitions, unleashing their playful energies on the ice. During the flurry of activity, I had the privilege of conversing with Martin Peters, a Director of the EIHA and the orchestrator behind this summer’s EIHA Jamborees. He emphasizes that despite its status as a niche sport in the UK, ice hockey has fostered a loyal following akin to a close-knit family. Martin’s responsibilities are truly remarkable, encompassing a broad spectrum of tasks. These span from meticulously coordinating strategic initiatives within the senior league to nurturing the growth and progress of young and university-level players.

Central to the EIHA’s ethos is not dictating how individual clubs should operate or structure their developmental programs. Instead, the organization supports budding players through a myriad of events throughout the year, fostering skill development and kindling a deeper passion for the sport. However, the sport could soar even higher with additional support from the private sector, ushering in sponsorships that would enable children who might otherwise be deterred by the steep costs of hockey equipment to partake.

Martin explains the three distinct phases within a player’s developmental journey: participation, specialization, and proficiency. In the participation phase, newcomers are encouraged without pressure, providing a nurturing environment for learning. The specialization phase is where players unearth their unique strengths, honing them further. Finally, the proficiency stage represents an advanced skill level, propelling players toward the competitive ranks of ice hockey. These stages are aligned with Under 11s, Under 12s and 14s, and Over 16s. It’s vital to recognize that each player evolves at their own pace, and parental pressure can sometimes be counterproductive.

The summer jamborees orchestrated by the EIHA aim to offer a tantalizing taste of tournament play. As I observe the young athletes, including my own child, it’s evident that a diverse spectrum of skills adorns the ice. Skill knows no bounds of stature, as I marvel at the pocket-sized dynamos zipping across the ice as if they were born on skates. Martin reveals that some kids already boast international ice hockey exposure, whether through international camps or England National Team program ventures. For others, this jamboree marks their first foray into the realm of competition.

Each team, boasting three lines, engages in a round-robin series of games, with a buzzer announcing the one-minute line change. This rapid shift change format, free from icing penalties, infuses the games with a fierce dynamism.

Moments before the semi-finals commence, Martin introduces me to Danny Perchard, the incoming Junior Event Manager brimming with excitement to steer the course of jamborees and other junior events. With this, Martin gathers all players for a jamboree snapshot, bidding a fond farewell after 9 years of dedication to organizing junior events to concentrate on his directorship role.

As the night unfolds, the event proves resoundingly successful. The victorious Bruins explodes in jubilant celebration, their youthful exuberance palpable. Radiance emanates from the children; after all, they’ve secured their own “Stanley Cup.” Alas, in every competition, only one victor can emerge, and by the evening’s end, tears mingle with the thrill of competition for some players who narrowly missed the win. Yet, it’s a lesson in resilience and character-building. To my disappointed son, I impart that learning to gracefully accept defeat is just as crucial a skill. A promise of pizza on the journey home softens the disappointment, and we depart with hearts full of experiences and lessons from a memorable day at the rink.

Next Jamboree dates:

JMC Jamboree U10s, U12s & U14s
Lee Valley
26 August 2023
2:30pm to 6:30pm

JMC Jamboree U10s – U12s (now open to 2011 age group)
02 September 2023
3:30pm to 8:15pm

Posted on The Rinkler – UK’s Ice Hockey Magazine –

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